Where do I stand? All my life I’ve been a conservative. I’m willing to take risks so long as I can see the potential outcomes. I realize there are unknowable results or unintended consequences. You have to take risks one at a time and manage them the best you can.
Environment – Water
The Central Valley is in a drought. This is dangerous as water is needed by all living things people, animals and plants. During severe drought, water restrictions are activated to save what water is needed to live. This makes it difficult to fight wild fires and enable the agricultural community to farm. California generates more than 150 agricultural products for the nation. Without California’s ability to grow, produce and husband livestock, California’s economy and peoples’ lives will be severely hampered. Farmers will not be able to plant as many crops as normal and livestock will suffer. Read More…
Support for Veterans
Did you know all US Servicemembers (i.e. veterans alive) make up 7% of all USA Citizens? The oldest of our Veterans are WWII vets.
Did you know only 1% of the US Population currently serve in the US Armed Forces? Less than 1% protect USA Citizen’s freedom to live freely in the USA.
Many Veterans have difficulties receiving the benefits due to them. There are bureaucratic processes, overworked workers, not enough case workers and politicians who say they care about our veterans but only act when the spotlight is on them. Read More…
Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights is so important to us now more than ever!!! The Left chops away at our our civil liberties little by little constantly. The Left tries to normalize silencing free speech, limit the ability to practice your religion, limit US citizens’ ability to purchase firearms and have selective due process when certain people are arrested. Read More…
Education and School Choice
Teachers unions and School Boards are killing our education system. Curriculums designed by these organizations are dulling our children, emasculating our sons and eliminating females all together. We no longer have mothers but “Birthing Persons.” Biological males are being allowed to participate in girls sports. Many schools are teaching Critical “Racism” Theory to our children. Read More…
Energy Independence
In 2019 and 2020 the United States was energy independent for the first time. The USA was producing so much energy the USA was selling energy to other countries. The left vilifies the use of carbon fuels and as a result power plants are being shut down. Read More…
Accountability in Government Spending
Government spending is out of control. Democrats in Washington want to print money as a way out of our current situation. What they are creating is a pathway for hyperinflation. What happens when you have too much money chasing too little goods? Inflation! Read More…
People need to be concerned about election integrity, growing our voter base, policy and local politics.
If we are going to change California it starts with a united people, Republicans working with Democrats, and going on the offense to restore our state and country with new blood and fresh ideas. Read More…